Alternative installations

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Alternative installations

Category : latest version

If you already have ElasticSearch cluster, and you don’t want to add more nodes into it, you may use one of alternative configurations (remote or pluginnable)

Remote configuration

You may start single ElaticWarehouse instance as an “indexing gateway”. In this configuration your ElaticWarehouse instance is a client of existing ElasticSearch cluster and all write operations are executed by this instance. Search and fetch through such gateway is not effective (but possible), that’s why search queries should be executed directly on ElasticSearch cluster.


Figure 1. ElasticWarehouse as a writing gateway to existing ElasticSearch cluster

How to configure

  1. Edit elasticwarehouse.yml
  2. Set:
    1. mode.embedded: false
    2. elasticsearch.hosts: “host1,host2:port”
  3. Launch ElasticWarehouse instance. Instance will use transport client to connect with hosts “host1,host2:port”.

Pluginnable configuration

ElaticWarehouse is also distributed as ElasticSearch plugin. You may install ElatsicWarehouse plugin on your existing ElasticSearch cluster and enjoy core ElaticWarehous features (comparison matrix)

Figure 2. ElasticWarehouse as a plugin on existing ElasticSearch cluster

How to install plugin (ElasticSearch 1.x and ElasticSearch 2.x)

  1. Choose latest version of ElasticWarehouse plugin (i.e. 1.2.2)
  2. Determine ElasticSearch version you currently use. When you use:
    1. ElasticSearch 1.2.1, then download:,
    2. ElasticSearch 1.7.0, then download:,
    3. ElasticSearch 2.1.0, then download:,
    4. and so on…
  3. Choose plugin distribution with dependencies or without. Distribution with dependencies is a big package but includes all jars in proper versions needed by ElasticWarehouse plugin to work. Distribution without dependencies is a small package, but requires all jar dependencies to be available in your class path.
  4. Go to ElasticSearch’s bin folder, and type:

Install version without dependencies (ElasticSearch 1.x):

plugin -install elasticwarehouseplugin -u

-> Installing elasticwarehouseplugin...
Downloading ...........................................................................................DONE
Installed elasticwarehouseplugin into c:\opt\elasticsearch\plugins\elasticwarehouseplugin

Install version with dependencies (ElasticSearch 1.x):

plugin -install elasticwarehouseplugin -u

-> Installing elasticwarehouseplugin...
Downloading ...................................................................................................DONE
Installed elasticwarehouseplugin into c:\opt\elasticsearch\plugins\elasticwarehouseplugin

Install version with dependencies (ElasticSearch 2.x):

plugin install

-> Installing from
Plugins directory [/home/user/workspace/elasticsearch-2.1.0/plugins] does not exist. Creating...
Trying ...
Downloading ....................................................................................................DONE
Verifying checksums if available ...
NOTE: Unable to verify checksum for downloaded plugin (unable to find .sha1 or .md5 file to verify)
Installed elasticwarehouseplugin into /home/user/workspace/elasticsearch-2.1.0/plugins/elasticwarehouseplugin

Please contact with us in case of any questions or check “elasticwarehouse plugin installation known issues” page.

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